

The project team sincerely thanks the supporters of the IsoArcH database for their generosity. 

European Research Infrastructure Heritage Science

European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science

(20,000€, 2023)

website >

European Research Infrastructure Heritage Science

European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science

(116,500€, 2022)

website >

The UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)

(500£, 2021)

website >

Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry (AMGC – VUB)

(6,000€, 2020)

website >

Elemtex. Stable Isotope & Elemental Analysis Expertise

(500€, 2020)

website >

German anonymous benefactor

(5,000, 2018)

International Catacomb Society

(10,500$, 2015)

website >


Sponsorship Opportunities

Numerous sponsorship opportunities are available to support IsoArcH and its development. Interested parties can email the Board of Directors at [email protected].  All sponsors will be acknowledged on this webpage.