IsoArcH General Assembly announcement
last edited 06/06/2024
The IsoArcH Association will hold its next General Assembly online on June 13, 2024, at 4:00 pm (GMT+2 – Prague time) via Zoom. A key highlight of the assembly will be the official release of the new version of the IsoArcH database. The meeting is open to all members in good standing, who are expected to attend. Details for joining the Zoom meeting can be obtained by email request.
IsoArcH Workshop announcement
last edited 02/11/2023
In 2021, funding was made available from the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS) through the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE) to elevate IsoArcH to a higher level, with updates and a personal platform for data storage. IsoArcH places a high emphasis on data quality, and standardization of data entries is therefore of great importance. Behind the scenes, work has been underway for the past 2 years on a new version of IsoArcH. But now, it’s time to seek input from users to take the final steps before the new IsoArcH website can be launched. Therefore, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in collaboration with Witteveen + Bos and IsoArcH, is organizing a 2-day workshop at RCE in Amersfoort, Netherlands, on October 30th and 31st, 2023. The participants in this group have been extended invitations, with the outcomes set to be disseminated to the IsoArcH community in a timely manner. The program of the workshop can be found here.
IsoArcH: Open Science in Archaeology event overview
last edited 17/09/2023
The IsoArcH Open Science in Archaeology event provided archaeologists with an opportunity to explore the latest developments in Open Science in their field. The event featured presentations on topics such as open access to publications and databases, transparent peer review processes for research papers, and the open sharing of data, code, and research methodologies. This comprehensive approach ensured that archaeologists were well-informed about the multifaceted aspects of Open Science within their field. This event was hosted by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) on May 20, 2021. A meeting summary is available at the following link: