Compilation of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur and strontium stable isotope data from the Mesolithic to the Late Modern period in the Black Sea area

by Hagarová A., Salesse K.
Keywords Dietary patterns; Mobility; Ukraine; Turkiye; Bulgaria; Serbia; Romania; Georgia; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Russia
Created on 2023-06-08




Completely archived


To gain a comprehensive understanding of the dietary habits and mobility patterns of past populations in the Black Sea region, a collation of relevant articles featuring stable isotope analysis results, along with associated archaeological and anthropological data, has been conducted. This compilation brings together information from sixty-nine sites located in modern Turkiye, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Black Sea coastal area of Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria, covering a vast temporal range of nearly 12,000 years, from the Mesolithic to the Late Modern Period.

How to cite this dataset?

Hagarová, A., & Salesse, K. (2023). Compilaton of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur and Strontium Stable Isotope Data from the Mesolithic to the Late Modern Period in the Black Sea area [Data set]. IsoArcH.