IsoArcH Association – Articles


TITLE I – Name, registered office, purpose and duration of the Association

Article 1. The Association, founded in 2019, is called « IsoArcH Association ». Its headquarters are at 11 Village du Duer, Kervarin, 56370 Sarzeau (France). The seat of the Association may be transferred by decision of the Board of Directors.

Art. 2. The objects of the Association are: 1. the study of humans, their activities, their cultures and their environment by biogeochemical and, in particular, isotopic analyses; 2. the scientific and technical support of a free online database, entitled « IsoArcH Database » and accessible at; 3. facilitating access to analytical platforms or tools, and the transfer of knowledge and technical knowledge related to archaeological sciences; 4. the organization of study days and cultural events to work towards scientific emulation and ensure the promotion and dissemination of results in these areas of research; ; 5. financing in all possible forms (prizes, scholarships, donations, work contracts, etc.) of physical or moral person contributing to the objectives of the association.

Art. 3. The duration of the Association is unlimited.


TITLE II – The Members

Art. 4. The Association is open to all, without distinction of any kind.

Art. 5. The Association is composed of founding members, associate members, institutional members, and possibly honorary and benefactor members. The title of founding member is granted to Dr. Kévin Salesse and Xavier de Rochefort, at the origin of the IsoArcH initiative. This honorary title is imprescriptible to them. The title of associate member is granted de facto to any physical person in rule of contribution or who is exempt from paying it. The title of institutional member is granted de facto to any moral person that has paid its membership fees. Honorary and benefactor member titles are granted by the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board of Directors, to the physical or moral person to which the Association wishes to pay tribute, because they have made themselves particularly useful to it by donation, or material and moral support. These two titles do not confer special rights.

Art. 6. All associate and institutional members have the same rights within the Association.

Art. 7. Associate and institutional members pay membership fees which the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board of Directors, sets the amounts. These contributions cannot exceed 1000 €. In the interests of inclusiveness, an exemption from the membership fee for one year may be granted to an associate member in exceptional cases, upon justified request and at the discretion of the President of the Association. The number of such exemptions shall be determined by the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board of Directors.

Art. 8. Any associate or institutional member may withdraw from the Association by sending a resignation in writing to the Board of Directors. Any associate member or institutional late in contribution for a year is deemed to have resigned. Any associate, institutional, honorary, or benefactor member jeopardizing the credibility of the Association by their actions or behaviour is deemed excluded. The deletion is pronounced by the Board of Directors, except suspensive appeal of the interested party before the General Assembly. The member concerned is able to present their defence prior to any decision.


TITLE III – The General Assembly

Art. 9. At the General Assembly, decisions are made on the following questions: 1. the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors; 2. the exclusion of a member of the Association, in case of appeal; 3. the approval of the accounts for the past year and the budget for the next financial year; 4. the strategic orientations of the Association for the following year; 4. the authorization to acquire, exchange, alienate or mortgage immovable property; 5. amendments to the Articles; 6. the dissolution of the Association.

Art. 10. The Ordinary General Assembly is held every year, preferably during the first quarter. It hears the report of the Board of Directors on the work and the situation (scientific and financial) of the Association during the past financial year. It votes on the budget and the strategic orientations of the Association for the following year.

Art. 11. The Board of Directors convenes Extraordinary General Assemblies whenever it deems it is necessary or upon written request made, with proposal of the agenda, by one-fifth of the members of the Association.

Art. 12. The convocations to the General Assembly are made by e-mail, sent at least eight days before the meeting. The final agenda and the documents necessary for the deliberations will be attached to said e-mail.

Art. 13. General Assemblies are chaired by the President of the Association or, in case of incapacity, by another member of the Council, according to the rules of Article 22.

Art. 14. The deliberations of the General Assembly are taken by a majority of the votes cast. Abstentions are not counted as votes cast, as are blank or void votes in the case of a secret ballot. Proxy voting is allowed. Each member present may not hold more than ten powers in addition to his own. In the event of a tie vote, that of the President or their substitute shall have the casting vote.

Art. 15. The General Assembly may meet by means of videoconferencing or telecommunication (telephone, e-mail, etc.) allowing the identification of its members and their effective participation in a collegial deliberation.

Art. 16. Minutes of meetings are kept. The minutes are signed by the President. They are established without blanks or erasures, and kept at the headquarters of the Association. The annual report and the approved accounts are made available every year to all members of the Association. They are addressed to each member of the Association who requests it.


TITLE IV – The Board of Directors

Art. 17. The Board of Directors is composed of at least three members. The term of office of directors is three years; they are re-eligible. Any director who is absent without cause at three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors shall be deemed to have resigned.

Art. 18. Voters are members in good standing. Eligible voters are those who have submitted their application in writing to the Association’s headquarters one month before the date on which the election is to take place. The Board of Directors draws up the list of admissible candidatures to which it can add the name of members of which it would have asked later for the candidature. This list is sent to the members at the same time as the convocation to the General Assembly. The terms of office are awarded to the candidates who hold the largest number of votes, none of whom can, however, be elected if that person meets at least half of the votes. If, pursuant to these rules, a mandate remains vacant, a new director may be appointed by the General Assembly for the time remaining.

Art. 19. The Board of Directors has the broadest powers for the management of the Association. Any decision not expressly reserved to another body by an imperative provision of the law or by the present Articles, are of its competence.

Art. 20. The acts binding the Association are, unless there is a special delegation, signed by the President. For the current service, the signature can be given by the General Secretary.

Art. 21. The Board of Directors meets when convened by the President or three of its members. It meets compulsorily at least once a year, among other things to convene the General Assembly and prepare its decisions.

Art. 22. The meetings of the Board of Directors are presided over by the President or, if the President is unable to attend, by the oldest of the administrators present.

Art. 23. The decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a majority of the members present. Directors who abstain from voting are considered as absent for the calculation of the majority. Proxy voting is allowed. Each member present cannot hold more than three powers in addition to his own. In the event of a tie, the vote of the President or their substitute shall prevail.

Art. 24. The Board of Directors may meet according to the same criteria as the General Assembly, presented in Article 15.

Art. 25. Minutes of meetings are kept. The minutes are signed by the President. They are established without blanks or erasures, and kept at the headquarters of the Association.


TITLE V – The Bureau 

Art. 26. The Board of Directors entrusts the day-to-day management of the Association to a Bureau, consisting of at least one President, one General Secretary and one Treasurer. The Board of Directors appoints the latter within it, for a term of three years. If necessary, the Board of Directors may assign to the Bureau any other member, for a limited period of time, to a specific function (e.g., a Vice-President or a Communication Officer). The President represents the Association in all acts of civil life. As such, the President can act in the name and on behalf of the Association while having effective and constant control over it. It is the responsibility of the Secretary General of the Association to carry out the administrative and legal tasks, namely mainly to deal with the correspondence of the Association, to establish the convocations and the reports meetings, as well as keeping the various registers and archives. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping, or keeping under his control, the accounts of the Association. The Treasurer collects the receipts, makes all payments. In case of impediment, the Treasurer is replaced by the President.

Art. 27. The Bureau executes the decisions of the Board of Directors, in the absence of any other initiative.

Art. 28. The members of the Bureau may be dismissed, collectively or individually, for just cause by the Board of Directors, while respecting the rights of the defense. They do not lose by this fact alone the quality of administrator.


TITLE VI – Resources and Accounting

Art. 29. The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

Art. 30. The annual resources of the Association consist of: 1. the income of the Association’s property; 2. subscriptions and subscriptions of its members; 3. possible subsidies from the State, local authorities and public institutions; 4. donations and possible legacies whose use is decided during the financial year; 5. any revenue relating to the services offered by IsoArcH Database; 6. resources created on an exceptional basis and, where appropriate, with the approval of the competent authority; 7. any other resources not expressly prohibited by the laws and regulations in force.

Art. 31. The General Assembly appoints, if it so desires, for a period of three years, a commissioner, chosen outside the Board of Directors, who is responsible for examining the accounts and the inventory of the assets of the Association. This commissioner is re-eligible.


TITLE VI – Modification of the Articles

Art. 32. The Articles may only be amended by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors or one-fifth of the members of the Association.

Art. 33. Proposals for changes must be placed on the agenda of the next General Assembly, which must be sent to all its members at least eight days in advance.

Art. 34. At this General Assembly, at least a quarter of practicing members must be physically or digitally present. If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly is again physically or digitally reunited at least fifteen (15) days apart. It can then validly deliberate, regardless of the number of members present. The Articles may only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.


TITLE VII – Dissolution

Art. 35. The Association can only be dissolved by the General Assembly. The dissolution can only be voted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.

Art. 36. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the General Assembly will allocate the net assets to one or more institutions pursuing a similar purpose, public, or recognized as being of public utility, or benefiting from the capacity to receive gifts under Article 6 of the amended law of 1 July 1901, or to a local authority in whose jurisdiction the object of the Association.